A passionate and innovative group of designers

Mosaic Architecture

Architecture / Design / Construction

A collaborative design platform of Architects, Engineers, and Designers, with a common mission to produce a rich mosaic of ideas and design ideas for our clients.

The concept behind our mosaic

Mosaic [moh-zey-ik] – (architecture) a mosaic of Architectural typologies, diverse landscapes, traditional influences and historic landmarks in Greece.

Mosaic [moh-zey-ik] – (experiences) the images of your summer, your lifestyle options and unique experiences.

Mosaic [moh-zey-ik] – (design studio) a platform for architectural ideas, concepts, and projects that enhance Greece’s competitive advantage in unique living, design, real-estate and tourism.

We are part of the Mosaic Ventures group of companies.

Mosaic Ventures was established by a team of entrepreneurs from varying professional backgrounds, and undertakes activities in a diverse but connected group of sectors: investment, architecture, construction, real estate, hospitality and the tourism industry.

Check out our websites for more info:

Mosaic Ventures

Blue Mosaic

Mosaic Villas

Meet Our Team

A small team of highly talented designers and architects looking to build modern, eco-friendly and sustainable homes.

Dionisis Souris

Founding Partner, Architect

Having studied Architecture and Urban Planning in the UK, Dionisis has a rich portfolio of design and construction work experience. Early on, he gained professional experience working as a member of a multi-disciplinary Design team for an international Design & Engineering firm, specializing in airport terminals and other major public infrastructure assets.

Spiro Scafidas

Associate Architect

Having grown up in South Africa, Spiro moved to Greece in 1992 to complete his O and A Levels. His calling to Architecture led him to the University of Bath where he completed his B.Sc in General Architectural Studies and a M.Arch in Conservation & Restoration as well as Urban Planning. Spiro's collaboration with Mosaic Architecture is on a project-by-project basis.

George Souris

Founding Partner, Civil Engineer

George studied Civil Engineering in the UK, focusing on High Strength Concrete and in applications of high-performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites for retrofitting purposes. . He started his professional career, being involved in Construction Project Management, gaining significant experience on high-profile housing development schemes, before continuing with his studies pursuing a Master’s degree in the Real Estate Economics and Finance at the London School of Economics.

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